Keyboard Shortcuts
Use these shortcuts to streamline your interaction with FormIt.
Application Settings: Display Dimensions | D D |
Application Settings: Pre-selection Highlight | P S |
Application Settings: Show Edited Group Only | H |
Application Settings: Snap to Grid | S G |
Collaboration: Invite to Session | C I |
Collaboration: Join Session | C J |
Collaboration: Start Session | C S |
Display: Ambient Shadows | D A |
Display: Axes | D Z |
Display: Back faces | D B |
Display: Edges | D E |
Display: Extend Lines | D X |
Display: Grid | D G |
Display: Ground Plane | D P |
Display: Group bounding boxes | B B |
Display: Hidden Lines | D H |
Display: Monotone Surfaces | D M |
Display: North Arrow | D N |
Display: Shadows | D S |
Display: Silhouettes | D O |
Display: Sketchy Lines | D K |
Display: Thin Edges | D T |
Display: Watertight Issues | D W |
Draw: Arc by center and radius | A C |
Draw: Arc by three arc points | A |
Draw: Circle | C |
Draw: Line | L |
Draw: Rectangle | R |
Draw: Spline | S |
Edit: Copy | Ctrl+C |
Edit: Cut | Ctrl+X |
Edit: Delete | Delete |
Edit: Paste | Ctrl+V |
Edit: Paste In Place | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Edit: Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Edit: Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Edit: Reset Axes | R Z |
Edit: Select All | Ctrl+A |
Edit: Set Axes | S Z |
Edit: Undo | Ctrl+Z |
File: Export Model To... | Ctrl+E |
File: Import 3D Model... | Ctrl+I |
File: Import Image... | Ctrl+Shift+I |
File: New | Ctrl+N |
File: Open from BIM 360 Docs... | Alt+O |
File: Open... | Ctrl+O |
File: Save As to BIM 360 Docs... | Shift+Alt+S |
File: Save As... | Ctrl+Shift+S |
File: Save Copy... | Ctrl+S Ctrl+C |
File: Save to BIM 360 Docs... | Alt+S |
File: Save with History... | Ctrl+S Ctrl+H |
File: Save... | Ctrl+S |
Group: Edit Group (Context Menu) | E |
Group: Edit Group (Toolbar) | E G |
Group: Edit Group (Toolbar) | G E |
Group: Finish Group Action | F |
Group: Group (Context Menu) | G |
Group: Group (Toolbar) | Alt+G |
Group: Make Unique (Context Menu) | M U |
Group: Make Unique (Toolbar) | Alt+M |
Group: UnGroup (Context Menu) | U |
Group: UnGroup (Toolbar) | Alt+U |
Group: UnGroup All (Context Menu) | U A |
Group: UnGroup All (Toolbar) | Alt+A |
Group: UnGroup Model | U M |
Levels: Display Levels | D L |
Levels: Use Levels | U L |
Primitive: Cube | Alt+B |
Primitive: Cylinder | Alt+Y |
Primitive: Dome | Alt+D |
Primitive: Prism | Alt+R |
Primitive: Pyramid | Alt+P |
Selection Filter: Edges | E S |
Selection Filter: Faces | F S |
Selection Filter: Groups | G S |
Selection Filter: Solids | S S |
Sketch Settings: Toggle Unit Type | U T |
Solar Analysis: Enter Solar Analysis Mode | S A |
Tools: Array | A R |
Tools: Cover | C V |
Tools: Cut Geometry (Context Menu) | C C |
Tools: Cut Geometry (Toolbar) | C G |
Tools: Enable Touch | E T |
Tools: Enable Touch | T M |
Tools: Extrude Edges | E E |
Tools: Fillet | F I |
Tools: Join Geometry (Context Menu) | J C |
Tools: Join Geometry (Toolbar) | J G |
Tools: Lasso Select | L L |
Tools: Loft Edges | L O |
Tools: Measure | M E |
Tools: Measure Angle | M A |
Tools: Merge Edges and Vertices | M G |
Tools: Mirror | M I |
Tools: Move | M |
Tools: Offset Edges | O E |
Tools: Offset Face | O F |
Tools: Offset Solid | O S |
Tools: Paint With Material | B |
Tools: Paint With Material | P T |
Tools: Reverse Faces | F F |
Tools: Rotate | Q |
Tools: Scale | S C |
Tools: Section Plane | S P |
Tools: Select | Space |
Tools: Set Location | S L |
Tools: Shell | S H |
Tools: Smooth Edges | S E |
Tools: Sweep | S W |
Tools: Taper Face | T F |
Tools: Unsmooth Edges | U E |
View: 3D View | Z D |
View: First Person Fly-Through | F T |
View: Orbit Camera | O |
View: Pan Camera | P |
View: Swivel Camera | S V |
View: Top | Z T |
View: Zoom All | Z A |
View: Zoom All | Z E |
View: Zoom All Images | Z I |
View: Zoom Camera | Z |
View: Zoom Selection | Z S |
Last updated