Navigation Tools
Floating Navigation Toolbar
Top View: Go to a top-down orthogonal view 3D View: Go to the default 3D perspective view Fly Through: Walk around your model using gaming-inspired controls: W/A/S/D to move around, SPACE to fly, Q/E/F to move up/down/fall to ground, SCROLL while moving to adjust speed, ESC to exit ---------- Orbit: Orbits around using your cursor or selection as the center of rotation. You can also right-click and drag at any time to Orbit. Swivel: Looks around the model by using the current position as the center point. You can also hold Ctrl while right-click and dragging to Swivel. Pan: Drags the view parallel to the screen. You can also hold the middle mouse button, or Shift while right-click and dragging to Pan. ---------- Zoom: Zooms in or out with cursor movement Zoom All: Zooms out to capture the extents of the sketch Zoom Selected: Zooms to capture the extents of the geometry in selection
Quick Geometry Creation
Copy and Paste
Select an object, Ctrl + C to copy, Ctrl + V to paste or Ctrl + Shift + V to paste in place
Quick Copy and Paste
Select an object, click on the object to define the start point, start moving the object, then tap Ctrl to create a quick copy.
Draw 2D Shapes
Click on the Sketch menu in the Main Toolbar, and then click in the canvas to begin drawing Lines, Arcs, Circles, Splines, and Rectangles.
Place a Primitive
Click on the Primitive menu from the Main Toolbar, then click in the canvas to place a Primitive.
Extrude Shapes
Click to select a face, then move your mouse perpendicular to the face. Click again to finish extruding a face.
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