User Interface
Main Toolbar
The main toolbar is at the top of the screen and contains tools to assist in creating, editing, and sharing content.
Menu: access a variety of file-related operations such as Open, Save, Import, Export.
Sketch Name: Click to rename the sketch.
Undo and Redo: Click to undo or redo recent actions. Undo and Redo is per-Group.
Selection Filter: Click to choose options for filtering out object types when using area select (click and drag with Select tool).
Measure Tools: Click to choose between Linear and Angular Measure tools.
Sketch Tools: Click to choose from various Sketch tools such as Line, Arc, Spline, Rectangle, and Circle.
Primitives: Click to choose from various 3D shapes such as Cube, Dome, Pyramid, Cylinder, Roof.
Advanced Tools: Click to choose from advanced tools such as Boolean Join and Cut, Sweep, Cover, Loft, 3D Offset, 3D Shell, and Fillet.
Groups: Click to choose from Group tools such as Create, Edit, Make Unique, Ungroup, Ungroup All, and Flatten.
Sun and Shadows: Use this tool to change the date and time of day to study shadows on your model. For more information on sun and shadows, see Sun and Shadow Settings. You may also launch Solar Analysis from within this panel.
Settings: Click to set application and sketch settings, such as snapping, editable dimensions, selection and context visibility, and units.
Search for a location and import satellite imagery into your sketch. For more information on setting the location of your sketch, see Location.
Energy Analysis: Click to perform calculations on a building to determine its energy use using Autodesk Insight.
Go Pro! Click to gain access to Solar Analysis, Energy Analysis, and Collaboration features.
Log in with your Autodesk account. You can use BIM 360 Docs cloud services to store and share your sketches.
Help: Click to find out what FormIt is about, what's new in this release, and get access to forums, galleries, videos, and learn application shortcuts.
Floating Navigation Toolbar
Top View: Go to a top-down orthogonal view 3D View: Go to the default 3D perspective view Fly Through: Walk around your model using gaming-inspired controls: W/A/S/D to move around, SPACE to fly, Q/E/F to move up/down/fall to ground, SCROLL while moving to adjust speed, ESC to exit ---------- Orbit: Orbits around using your cursor or selection as the center of rotation. You can also right-click and drag at any time to Orbit. Swivel: Looks around the model by using the current position as the center point. You can also hold Ctrl while right-click and dragging to Swivel. Pan: Drags the view parallel to the screen. You can also hold the middle mouse button, or Shift while right-click and dragging to Pan. ---------- Zoom: Zooms in or out with cursor movement Zoom All: Zooms out to capture the extents of the sketch Zoom Selected: Zooms to capture the extents of the geometry in selection
Palette Bar
The Palette Bar appears on the right side of the screen. Click one of these icons to open a side palette to display Properties, Layers, Scenes, Levels, Content Library, and Collaboration.
Properties: Open this palette to view location, gross area, and floor area ratios for your sketch Materials: Use this palette to create or apply materials Layers: Create and manage Layers and assign selected objects to different Layers Scenes: Create, manage, and play Scenes Levels: Use this palette to display and add Levels to your building objects Content Library: Use the Content Library to store reusable content such as furniture Collaboration (FormIt Pro only): Use Collaboration to work simultaneously with others as you create designs
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